Monday, November 10, 2008

My first post

So I am creating this blog (inspired by Abbie) to keep friends and family posted on our life in Springfield. I am hoping this is better way to keep people informed with Drew's progress in medical school, and in his journey in choosing a medical specialty.

Right now he is in week 7 of his surgical rotation - trauma surgury. So far he has completed neurosurgery, orthopedic, general and pediatric surgery. I am hoping he will have a good experience in trauma because I think it has potential of being something he could could do in the long term. So far Drew has finally admitted that he is going to be a surgeon, but I am having trouble getting him to even admit to leaning toward a specific type of surgery.

We did have a great weekend in Marseilles (we were in town for Jon Bivens' wedding). Drew was a groomsmen - the very firt wedding that he has stood up in. I had a great time because Drew was willing to dance all night - which is quite unusual for him! The weekend was very busy but we did have time to see the Grandmothers and Mary Lynn, Dan and Jake on Sunday.

Well I think that's enough for my first post.

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