Sunday, December 14, 2008

We had a great end of last week and weekend (other than me getting sick). Thursday and Friday I was in Chicago for an Illinois State Bar Conference with work. It was very nice I attended two CLE (continuing legal education) sessions, and attended two receptions which allowed for some networking. I have found that I have a very unique benefit with my firm in that they are big supporters of the ISBA and all bar associations. Therefore our firm pays for and encourages us to go to any and all bar events. I find that most other firms are really only represented by partners at these events. My firm also took us out to very nice dinners both Thursday and Friday night. My dad was in the city on Thursday night and joined us then and Drew came in town Friday night and joined us that evening. I also was lucky enough to get to see my friend Celia who I had not seen since law school graduation. Needless to say I had a great time in Chicago!

Saturday we headed to Southbend, IN for a wedding. Both the bride and groom are ND alums so the wedding was most naturally Irish themed with navy dresses and gold sashes. It was beautiful (and fun), but I was a little under the weather and only lasted until 10:30.

Today when we got back in town I headed straight to prompt care - turns out I have some kind of infection in my throat (and I think sinuses).... so I am going to work from home tomorrow. I had better get back to addressing Christmas cards, we are very behind this year.

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